Sunday, September 27, 2009

'Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food'

The United States Department of Agriculture -- yes, that's the USDA -- Launches 'Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food' Initiative to Connect Consumers with Local Producers to Create New Economic Opportunities for Communities!

"An American people that is more engaged with their food supply will create new income opportunities for American agriculture," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. "Reconnecting consumers and institutions with local producers will stimulate economies in rural communities, improve access to healthy, nutritious food for our families, and decrease the amount of resources to transport our food."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is exciting to see some effort on the part of the federal government to support local farms, amid many more disappointing moves that ultimately support industrial agriculture. I'll be interested to see if it's just an empty distraction or a sign of a much-needed shift in federal agricultural policy.